Competitor Comparison
See How Natural Armor IS Better Than 17 Competitors
Quart (32 fl. oz.) Ready-To-Use Comparison
Pint (16 fl. oz) |
Quart (32 fl. oz.) Concentrate |
Gallon (128 fl. oz.) Ready-To-Use |
Gallon (128 fl. oz.) Concentrate |
$15.95 |
$29.95 |
$26.95 |
$89.95 |
- Safe on Fruits & Vegetables - Can the product be used for fruits and vegetables.
- % of Putrescent Eggs - Percentage of Putrescent Eggs as an active ingredient.
- % of Garlic - Percentage of Garlic or Garlic Oil as an active ingredient.
- % of Essential Oil - Percentage of various oils.
- Free Wilt-Pruf® Sample - Does the product include a free sample of Wilt-Pruf®.
- Includes Down To Earth™ Liquid Bone Meal - Does the product contain Down To Earth™ Liquid Bone Meal.
- Lasting Period - The time between re-application of product.
- Coverage Area - The amount of square feet each 32 fl. oz. bottle of Ready to Use covers.
- All-Natural - Does the product only include all-natural ingredients.
- Safe for People, Pets & Environment - Self-explanatory.
- Available in 4 Different Scents - Is the product available in 4 different scents.
Compared to Bobbex®
Compared to Bonide® Go Away™
Compared to Bonide® Repels All™
Compared to Deerbusters®
Compared to Deer Pharm®
Compared to Deer Scram®
Compared to Everguard®
Compared to Havahart® Critter Ridder™
Compared to Havahart® Deer Away™
Compared to Havahart® Deer Off™
Compared to I Must Garden® Mint Scent™
Compared to I Must Garden® Spice Scent™
Compared to Latorre's Deer Out™
Compared to Liquid Fence®
Compared to Messina's Deer Stopper®
Compared to Ortho® Deer B Gone™
Compared To Plantskydd®
Compared to Tree Guard®